
Vitaly Plemedyale

Vitaly Plemedyale — Person of the Year for the joint project

ТКТ Awards’ s Person of the year in Moldova is Vitaly Plemedyale, the CTO with Pro Digital SRL.

AutoPlay 64 bit

Modern 64-bit software architecture from BRAM Technologies

All client and server appplications of the AutoPlay broadcast automation systems are now based on a 64-bit software architecture.

Разграничение прав на объекты

Extended options for MAM user rights management

The AutoPlay 7.10 broadcast automation system has received new extended options for MAM user rights management.

Ноутбук с программой AutoPlay и схемой работы

AutoPlay playout automation solution advantages of file naming

Different Media Asset Management solutions have different approaches to media files naming.

Carrot Broadcast CG Solution validated for use with AutoPlay

Our very own AutoPlay MCR/Playout automation system not only contains an internal on-air graphics engine, but is also able to control 3rd party world known solutions.

anniversary of VGTRK

The 30th anniversary of The Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company

Today we celebrate the 30th anniversary of “The Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company” (RTR) which is the largest media corporation in Russia.

Projects of BRAM Technologies

Case studies: BRAM Technologies Newsroom computer software

Read about how BRAM Technologies newsroom management software has redefined newsroom workflows of the broadcasters.

IBC 2020 cancelled

IBC Show 2020 cancelled due to the pandemic COVID-19

IBC has made a difficult decision to cancel and not to move forward with the IBC Show 2020 as planned due to the COVID-19.

8 march

International women’s day at BRAM Technologies is happening soon

Congratulations on International Women’s Day from all BRAM Technologies staff! Let the wonderful feelings warm your hearts.!

Advanced Teletext and Subtitles from BRAM Technologies

BRAM Technologies presents proprietary subtitling solutions which enable to create and playout teletext and subtitles.