The seminar program has attracted representatives of the leading TV channels in Yaroslavl and its regions, as well as specialists from other areas related to broadcasting, advertising and media. The participants could review the latest trends in the field of automation of TV production and playout.
In the first part of the seminar, speakers from VIDAU SYSTEMS MEDIA talked about optimization of television production, creation of a single technological chain and cost reduction at all production stages using automation technologies. Moreover, the themes of media planning and channel branding were highlighted.
The event continued with a presentation from the BRAM Technologies company. It is important to note that BRAM Technologies is the Russian developer and one of the key suppliers of digital (informational) systems in the field of television. The presentation covered a wide range of company’s solutions for broadcast automation. Of particular interest to the audience were AutoPlay systems, that allow to organize tapeless technology of production and playout, to ensure the automatic transfer to a redundant server in case of force majeure, as well as create broadcast in 24/7 format.

In addition to the presentation, BRAM Technologies specialists prepared a demonstrational program. They organized a special booth with equipment that simulates a hardware-software complex of a TV channel. The guests of the seminar were able to try working at AutoPlay in real conditions, as well as to evaluate its features and functions.
The final part of the event was devoted to reception that was held in the form of a dialogue with the audience. The guests were very active and asked many questions about the technology of television automation. The theme of the seminar was a topic of interest and the solutions presented by the speakers were in-demand.
To sum up, VIDAU SYSTEMS MEDIA has long been a dealer and partner to the BRAM Technologies company. Together, we carried out a number of large-scale projects in Moscow and its regions. The invitation to participate in the seminar from VIDAU SYSTEMS MEDIA was the start of the onsite activities that are very important for a closer dialogue with customers and potential customers of solutions for broadcast automation. We hope that holding such seminars will become a tradition.