However, several on-air paths were repurposed from working as redundant to generating permanent VGTRK TV channels. As a result, two TV channels – Strana and Sarafan – went on the air in 24/7 service from the new Automated On-Air TV complex of VGTRK.

Brief description of RAEB powered by AutoPlay 7:
- Continuous 24/7/365 formation of minimum 14 independent TV programs on 14 TV paths
- Possibility to form from 2 to 7 TV channels with redundancy by combining 2 arbitrary TV paths
- Programs playout with minimal operator intervention
- Automated or manual control of the complex Operational control of programs preparation and formation processes.
- Permanent indication of TV programs formation process
- Permanent indication of hardware complex at all workplaces
- Permanent indication of software complex at an engineer’s workplace
- Automated and/or manual emergency switch between TV paths, in case of hardware failure, while TV channel’s (the main, redundant paths) forming
- Automated and/or manual switch to a redundant management of the complex, in case of technological works at the complex
- Automated Harris playlists transformation
- Automated system of media materials upload from Omneon videoservers