✅ A powerful module NewsPlan which covers all the newsroom needs. It enhances routine processes from planning to going On-Air and allows simultaneous work for more than hundred users.
✅ An on-Air module NewsAir. It manages various studio equipment and third party equipment: prompters, video servers and graphics
✅ TitleStaion Mix, a software module which manages and playouts graphics. It playouts up to 24 independent graphics templates.
✅ A state-of-the-art NewsBase tool to provide editing facilities. It can be installed almost on all types of PC hardware.
✅ Air24 software module which manages Azimuth video servers. It provides the independent operation of up to four (4) channels. The clients are free to use any tool to facilitate their work while on-Air. Advanced playlists architecture manages video and graphics.

We also integrated A-MAM and playout to provide an end to end solution which unites a broadcasting team.
And we are always happy to improve our customers technology!