Playout Automation

Playout Automation solutions allows you to create a single highly efficient workflow, connect the main production services and build a digital tapeless production and broadcasting technology.
Our playout automation systems are built on scalable storage platforms and support capacity requirements of any production environment. An integrated graphic tools allow to create branded SD and HD TV channels. With powerful channel-in-a-box capabilities, you get operational reliability and ease of use, wide opportunities and low cost, open architecture and flexibility in configuring.
News Production

Our end-to-end newsroom solutions are aimed to create high-technology production environment for news preparation and playout. The systems allow connecting all operations stages: planning, pre-production, data collection, scenario plan creation, news anchors lead-ins writing, editor’s alterations, prompter’s texts preparation, titles creation, run and playout. Easy and transparent movement of materials in the technological chain reduces time and maintenance costs.
Open, modular, fast systems with control at each production stage significantly improve the efficiency of information service operations.
Sports & Live Production

BRAM Technologies offers live production and a multicamera ingest suites which allow to record and playback from an unlimited number of channels with up/down conversion. They can manage an unlimited number of associated equipment. They provide functions for time-delay, edit-while-ingest, proxy generation and more.
Broadcast Graphics

BRAM Technologies designs solutions which allow to design, manage and playout broadcast graphics, crawlers, tickers, lower thirds, logos that project the style and individual look of different programs and channels. They enable to manage every type of asset in your production within one system, delivering a much more efficient workflow.
Teletext & Subtitles

In accordance with international trend, which mandates better accessibility of tv broadcasts to hearing-impaired viewers, BRAM Technologies thave developed a range of in-house subtitling solutions.
Subtitle Editor — software can be used to create new or edit existing subtitle files. The resulting subtitles can be used on BRAM Technologies’ Azimuth server playout, or any 3rd party solutions.
Teletext Editor — software allows creating teletext pages from scratch or from a set of templates and can work with separate group of pages. The resulting teletext can be played out by a BRAM Technologies’ Azimuth video server.
MAM & Archives

BRAM Technologies designs state-of-the-art solutions which are aimed at optimizing your workflow, getting the most out of your assets and managing all types of multimedia content.
Control & Monitoring

The main point in organization of dependable broadcast is playout monitoring and control. BRAM Technologies solutions allow control recording and displaying audio/video channels on high-resolution monitors, as well as generating multimedia images (video materials, audio indicators, text data, GPI and Tally indicators, clocks).
Formed log-files contains all the information about system status, configuration changings and errors.